Reflects a list of all declared services (used within the workflow template's wf) that are
a) in the list of getSupportedServiceTypes();
b) use private or public modifiers within the implementing class
no corresponding setDeclaredWFServices as this is information is extracted implicitly from the code
The callback method which is used by the execution engine to report back on
a wf execution, its status, the current workflowResult and the percent of completed items
NS -
Static variable in class
Define the Planets Service Action namespace, in one place so it can be
Adds all additional service call specific information for a service which cannot be captured within the Service stub itself
but that are handed over by the xml config and that are required for invoking a certain operation.
The most common constructor - if no reference to the aboutDigo is given, then we assume that the inputDigitalObject
is also the one that the execute method is currently processing.
An implementation of this interface can extend the WorkflowTemplateHelper util object, which provides all
methods that are required for the Factory for building a WorkflowInstance by reflection
except execute() and describe() - which need to be implemented by a WorkflowTemplate provider.